根据Google的官方声明,新的BERT更新将影响所有语言搜索结果的10%。声明说, BERT 是过去五年中最重大的飞跃,也是搜索史上最大的飞跃之一。
关于BERT更新的声明是通过Google SearchLaison的官方Twitter句柄发布的。这条推文写道:“认识 BERT ,这是谷歌搜索更好地理解语言和改进搜索结果的新方法。它现在在美国被用于英语,帮助每十次搜索中就有一次。将来会有更多的国家和语言。”
It’s been close to five years since Google announced anything as significant as the BERT Update. The last time an update of this magnitude was launched was back in 2016 when the RankBrain algorithm was rolled out.
According to the official announcement of Google, the new BERT update will impact 10% of overall search results, across all languages. The statement says that BERT is the most significant leap forward in the past five years, and one of the biggest leaps ahead in the history of search.
With so much emphasis given to the latest Google Algorithm Update – BERT, it’s most likely going to the SEO history books along with its predecessors, Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and RankBrian. The update will affect 1 out of 10 organic search results on Google search, with a major impact on Search Snippets, aka Featured Snippets.
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers codenamed BERT, is a machine learning advancement made by Google involving it’s Artificial Intelligence innovation efforts. BERT model processes words in relation to all the other words in a sentence, rather than one-by-one in order. This gives more impetus to the intent and context of the search query and delivers results that the user seeks.
The announcement about the BERT update was made through the official Twitter handle of the Google SearchLaison. The tweet read, “Meet BERT, a new way for Google Search to better understand language and improve our search results. It’s now being used in the US in English, helping with one out of every ten searches. It will come to more counties and languages in the future.”